Tuesday, March 29, 2011


EXAMS ARE OVER!!! but unfortunately I didn't get very satisfying results. anddd DEBATE! yupp, I was on the debate team :) unbelievable right?I got to be the second speaker. Carin's the first speaker and Jie Xhia was the third. We discovered that we had to compete like 3 days after the last day of exams. Rushed like hell lah! even went to McD at night to have our debate meeting. We had three whole hours to kill finishing our script but we ended up changing the topic. had a good time though ;)

McD night :)

Didn't really finish the script on time so first thing after assembly at school went to the library to finish it up and practice through. and FINALLY we finished it. wasn't really that long but whatever lah, good enough to present then it's fine :) Then went off to Phor Tay, just like last year :\
Battled against Sri Mutiara, They were really goood. quite fierce, at times a little bit mean. But we lost. Right after it ended we exchanged contacts and made friends. they were unexpectedly FRIENDLY lah!

Debaters from Sri Mutiara and CDK :)

Had a good experience, did a last minute reply speech which we never knew there was one. I'm not very good at improvising at the last minute, Panicked, said like 2 sentences then I ended my speech. :( a little bit embarassing

peace out yo!

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