Sunday, June 20, 2010

To infinity and beyond

I was in tears, I felt like going back in time, hoping one day someone would literally invent a time machine. These characters made me go on with the most happiest childhood i could ever have.

Mind the emo-ness, yes I watched Toy Story 3. It brings back so much memories, I used to watch it everyday since i was the age of 1 (according to my parents.) I won't stop watching it.
And one day my parents took me for my first movie in a Cinema- Toy Story 2.
it was back then my parents loved to spoil me before my sister was born.
Everything back then is all about Toy Story. Mom even bought the Woody doll back home from the US. But unfortunately i never really played with it.
Woody was my hero! wait, he still is. I know i may sound childish but watching toy story 3 makes me feel like a kid again,

Hong Kong trip 2008.

"you're my favourite deputy"

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